Fortunately there are plenty of ways to stave off the boredom of being stuck indoors as we all take steps to stay safe, with social distancing and self isolation. It’s also possible to experience travel without leaving the house. I’m certainly going to be doing some, if not all of the following in the coming weeks.
Taste the world
I like to try out a new recipe from time to time. For example, last month I was inspired by the Mediterranean diet and endeavoured to pick out recipes each week to make. Even the other half got in on the fun – we took it in turns to cook, and he also really enjoyed it.

home cooked chicken chow mein
So, why not pick a country, at theme or a dish from your travels; and make it. You could have something different every night, or perhaps have a theme for the whole week.
Get planning
If you have a short list of destinations, it will be easy to pick through and start researching for a holiday or trip. There is extensive information on-line, although I also find referring to old Lonely Planet, Rough Guides and other random guides can be useful. After all the typical sights don’t change all that much. Even books picked up in a charity shop for a couple of quid inspire me.
Research is extremely important ahead of a trip. Check out my post – Travel Tip: research before you travel for more tips.
Read and watch
Books and movies are a great way to immerse yourself in travel stories. Flicking through a Lonely Planet guide, looking for inspiration, or reading a novel is a nice alternative to being out and about. Travelling vicariously is a thing.

surely everyone has a few travel books on their shelf
You probably have books, movies, or box sets sitting on a shelf that you haven’t read or watched recently. Now is the time to dig them out and pass the time. I love watching the likes of Michael Palin, Simon Reeve, Anthony Bourdain and Julia Bradbury on their world travels. Especially if the destination is somewhere I haven’t been. It inspires me for a future trip.
Virtual tours
Although virtual tours have been available for quite some time, it’s only recently that people have actually started to consider them an option. This is also a good way to research ahead of trip, although certainly guarantees a travel experience without leaving the house. With museums now being shut, why not take a visit ‘virtually’.
Just google “virtual tours” and you will find places locally, as well as overseas which allows you to experience travel without leaving the house.
Try a Microadventure
As we get some signs of Spring arriving here in the UK, it seems more likely that a Microadventure is possible. However, right now you may want to test this out in your own garden, and keep social distancing in mind. It’s definitely a great way to give it a try; with creature comforts close by.

bivvy view
A Microadventure can be a little bit weather dependent, but with the right equipment – a bivvy bag and sleeping bag is probably all you need, you might find it’s one of the easiest and cheapest ways to experience the outdoors. Check out my post – Something unusual for Summer Solstice: My first Microadventure, for more.
I can easily get distracted reminiscing from my travels. Whether it’s looking through photo’s, picking them out for my Project Life album, sketching from a photo or reading old blog posts. Why not get creative with photos from your travels.
More recently I’ve found that reading my travel journals has inspired me to return to destinations, rather than always experiencing somewhere new. It’s really interesting to return to a place, a number of years later. For example – Delhi after a decade, was a real eye opener. As was Marrakesh when I gave it a second chance.
The best thing about experiencing travel without leaving the house, is you can do it whilst enjoying your favourite tipple.
I guess we will all be looking for ways to escape right now. Please do share your recommendations and ideas of how to experience travel without leaving the house, during this difficult time.
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