Singapore is expensive in comparison to the rest of South East Asia, but that shouldn’t put you off. I am fortunate enough to have family there, so a month long visit in September of last year meant not just seeing the sights, but really getting under the skin of what there is to do there. […]
Supporting the International Day of the Travel Blogger #IDOTTB2014
On 8 January 2006 I signed up for my own travel blog on But it took me until 2 April of that year to write my first every blog post. These days I spend a lot of time reading other blogs to collate information for planning my next destination. My attitude to writing about […]
Tiggerbird’s travel site Facebook page launched
I’ve just launched a Tiggerbird’s travel site fan page on Facebook and would like to encourage anyone who wants to follow this blog through FB to “Like” it. It should provide a direct feed of all the content that I post on here. In addition I will share some of the things that often are […]
Highlights from my 2013 travels
During 2013 I have visited 14 countries on 3 continents and spent 294 days of out of the UK. I’ve travelled a lot in the past, but never quite like this. I now have more time and therefore am in no rush, so like to spend a bit longer taking it all in. I like […]
2013 travels: day 247, Koh Lipe
I’ve come a long way since my last update from Chiang Rai (North West Thailand), just a couple of weeks ago. Here’s a quick run down of what I’ve been up to: Hill tribes Whilst exploring the Northern area, we visited a number of hill tribes, including one of the well touted ‘Long Neck’ villages. There […]
Touring Thailand’s Northern hill tribes
We headed into northern Thailand, after leaving Chiang Mai, with just over a week left on our visa. For the average traveller this should be plenty of time to visit the key sights. However, as a more curious adventurer who likes to experience local life more slowly, this means having to be a bit flexible. […]