Well, the good news is that my bag eventually made it back from Brunei to Hanoi and I wasn’t left behind by the group. I am now well on my way into Lao country and have already spent time in the capital Vientiane as well as a couple of days in the backpacker town of […]
Fingers crossed!
It’s always lovely to finally locate some wifi and find a barrage of emails and messages from people. I can only hope that this recent interest doesn’t dissipate too quickly. Thank you ;). Apologies that I don’t have a Travelpod update for you today, as although I took a short trip into KL city centre […]
One way ticket
After quitting my job back at the end of November, I’d budgeted to be back in the UK and looking for a job around June time. However during the last couple of weeks I’ve finally been able to rent out my house, so just a few days ago, I made the decision to book a […]
Thoughts and plans
It’s amazing how busy life can be when you’re unemployed and trying to plan your next move. In fact I have barely had any time to research possible destinations and I certainly haven’t had a chance to reflect on my recent trip to Portugal and Spain just yet. With British summertime commencing yesterday and April […]
Catching up
Outside it’s raining hard, the temperature is apparently 4 degrees with threats of snow tomorrow, but I’ve spent the day catching up on numerous blog posts on my Travelpod so am feeling like I’m still on my travels! Sad that I’m not in sunny Portugal or Spain, or snowy Andorrra, France, Luxembourg or Belgium, […]
Hidden gems … check them out
Whilst I am busying myself returning from Spain, via France (and maybe a couple of other destinations en-route) I thought I would share with you the content of an email that I received earlier today. If you are planning your travels in the coming months I urge you to check out this link which collates […]