The taking of photographs has increased more than ever before. However, the digital age is starting to indicate that print is dead, or dying at least; with a significant decline in the actual physical printing of photographs. Smart phone users will share their pictures on social media, but often many photos are simply forgotton. I like to get creative with photos from my travels; of course!
Not that long ago
I remember the days of dropping off film, for processing, and having to decide whether to pay the extra cost to get them back in 24 hours. There weren’t really any other options to get to view your pictures in those days!
Today, people only print a minuscule of their photos to share a memory, as the cost is outweighed by the accessibility to technology, which is much more convenient. Photo’s seem to be more about quality rather than quantity, with the best being selected for sharing on social media and a limited few printed and displayed or stored.
A physical photo album really is a rare sight. The older you are the more likely you are to have a collection of photo albums. Would it be unfair for me to suggest the youth of today, just don’t print photo’s or keep photo albums?
I’m possibly showing my age now. As I must confess to still printing my photo’s, albeit a much smaller selection than in the past. I also like to be creative with these, and spend time filling albums using the Project Life approach created by Becky Higgins.
Project Life Examples
Here are some of my Project Life pages from places visited in Thailand during 2013:


data-pin-description=”Project Life pages from Chiang Mai, Thailand.” Chiang Mai

data-pin-description=”Project Life pages from ao Nang, Thailand.” Ao Nang
I really recommend doing something similar with your photos.
You just need to purchase an Album, select a Card Kit, then slip your photo’s into the Pocket Pages along with the cards. It really is that simple.
I have linked some recommendations above, but do search for alternatives as there are various sizes available.
If you step into the world of DIY photo printing, you may also discover a new hobby. Learning to print can be a struggle at first. With understanding, appreciation, and, at some point, enjoyment for the craft, there’s another level of experience to be had. Experiment, be creative and enjoy escaping from technology. I highly recommend it.
No time or can’t be bothered?
The reality is that there is no guarantee that the technology of tomorrow will be able to read the photos you take today, unless you keep up to date with modernising your storage. Digital backups are important but they may not outlive the tradition of a printed photograph, which physically exists.
Take a trillion photos and forget most of them, but print one or two. Do it right, by framing, mounting and displaying. Enjoy it and take pride in it.
Memories fade, but photo’s help to keep them alive.
Other ideas
Here are a few other ideas for your travel photo’s or good for gifts:
It’s not just photos that you can get creative with. What abut the other items you collect on your travels – check out this post for other ideas: Get creative from your travels
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