It isn’t always possible to minimise the negative impact on the environment and put sustainable travel at the top of the ‘packing’ list. However, I’m keen to do my bit. So, whilst I haven’t been able to travel this past year I’ve been trying to live more sustainably day to day. It takes a bit of effort but many of the changes I’ve made so far are just an extension of habits from my travels, so fairly easily achieved. I hope to continue to take small steps to sustainable living and hopefully resume responsible travels soon. In the meantime here are a few ideas of ways we can all help.
Supporting local
Volunteering on local projects is something I used to do quite a bit when I travelled but since I returned from my last big trip in 2013, most of my time away has been short and this limits the possibilities. Many projects won’t accept just a day or few days.
I still try to when I can and supporting local businesses/artisans and social enterprises is always on my list when I’m planning a trip.
This past year I’ve continued supporting local and independent businesses here in the UK and locally whenever I can. I’m always looking for ethical and sustainable products. It’s amazing just how many little things you can change over time to work towards supporting local businesses and live sustainability.
Being mindful
I regularly try to remind myself to stop and think about minimising the negative impact of my choices.
Travelling on foot for example, maybe taking a walking tour or using public transport. Walking and now also running are 2 things I’ve spent a LOT of time doing during the lockdown here in the UK.
Reducing plastics and waste or making a few healthy lifestyle changes has become really important. There are many ways to be mindful and contribute to improving the environment in which we live or travel. Every little helps.
Reusable items
I’ve been carrying a re-usable water bottle on my travels for many years. I carry one for work or when out and about. Now I use one at home and it saves washing up ;). Not only does this reduce plastic when filling up or decanting from larger bottles on my travels, it’s good for me to drink plenty and regularly.
The cost of single use plastic bags in shops was increased from 5 pence to 10 pence last month here in the UK. Personally I don’t think this is enough given people are still buying/using them rather than a bag for life. I had carried a reusable bag years before these charges were introduced. I’ve got numerous bags from trips taken with Intrepid (read more about their Responsible Travel Policy) who give these out at the start of a tour – with locally sourced materials and local labour it’s not just about reducing plastic. A reusable bag became something I just continued using back home and wouldn’t be without.
Zero waste items
I am by no means living with zero waste but I have definitely been trying to reduce waste where possible. Many of these changes applied when I was travelling but have now formed part of everyday life.
For example, I’ve been using shampoo bars on and off for around 10 years and they were far less common back then. Lush shampoo and conditioner bars were my choice for quite some time as there was little else available. Today there are so many available so my hair and pocket can be considered too. I also stopped using conditioner on my hair about 18 months ago. My hair is a lot happier (although sometimes gets a bit static). It’s one less bottle, or one less item to carry when I travel.

I have a fabric mask for every day – and some funky themes too!
I’ve found other ways to reduce waste and many are now just normal for me. A menstrual cup and a fabric mask is top of my list of zero waste items and will definitely be featuring on my new and updated list of 13 items I don’t travel without as and when I finally get to leave the country again and can compile this!
Live more sustainably
Everyone has to adjust in their own way to living more sustainably and choose what suits their personal needs. I’m not suggesting there is a need to change everything, it’s about doing what you can.
Sustainable living and responsible travel is going to be feature a great deal when the world opens up again. It’s a big part of everyday life too. I’m always keen to hear other ideas and suggestions that will help.
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